I must admit, I never understood or enjoyed the later work of Picasso until I understood it as four-dimensional art. In one image, Picasso captured stylized aspects of the same subject as it moved over time. In other words,
Picasso captured the fourth dimension of time. Alternatively, he captured multiple perspectives from different locations in space -- even internal views of the subject were sometimes used. All of this is possible
from a four-dimensional spatial viewpoint.
That takes us to even more current artists. I believe that many are now working beyond the idea of representing something. Instead, they are receiving their art. Their imagery is coming from some other source, some
other wellspring of awareness.
My recent realization of this fact has made a tremendous difference for me in my own art. I am definitely an amateur, but I take up a brush now and then. Despite taking a class in modern art, I still could not get beyond trying to
represent something. I could get as far as impressionism, capturing objects in different colors as I felt them, or drawing them in a more basic elemental form, but I just didn't "get it." But something has now changed for me.
I have now realized that I just need to receive a painting. I don't even have to know what I'm going to do when I stand before the canvas. All I have to do is enter a state in which I can receive information about what needs
to be done.
Of course, all great artists from every era, no matter what their personal state of consciousness, create from a heightened state of the Now and receive their creation. As Michelangelo said of his sculpture of David, "'Creating The
David was easy - all I had to do was remove all that was not the David." But even Michelangelo knew that his goal was to sculpt the David.
The image at the beginning of this article is one of my paintings currently in progress. It is the result of three steps of "receiving". First I received a green background with textures. On my next day of painting, I received the
idea of the black vortex. And on the third day, I saw images of creatures coming out of the painting, asking to be painted. My plan is to continue this process until I receive information that tells me that the painting is complete.
How liberating! I have learned to create art that is received from some inner space within -- from the higher dimensional world of all possible forms and perspectives and even sources of information beyond my own mind or soul.
It is literally the art of synchronicity. By entering the Now and trusting that whatever appears is there, not by coincidence, but with meaningfulness, a new creation is brought into physical form. Art, music, writing -- even
life itself! -- can be created in the same way.
Is this the art of the fifth dimension?